Blogger Resources


I thought it would be helpful for me to create a blogger resources page that includes the products and services I use daily for my blog. 

Some of the links below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. I only recommend companies I have experience with and like in a big way. I'm always here if you have any questions!



Getting Started With A Blog

Bluehost   Bluehost is one of the best places to host your website when you are getting started. You can get a domain name for free when signing up, and they make it especially simple if you have a Wordpress site. When you first hear the word hosting, it might sign like a foreign language. So I created a step-by-step How To Start A DIY Blog page with screenshots and all for setting up your blog.

How To Start A DIY Blog It was a little daunting when I first started a DIY blog. I didn't know where to start or how to get my blog up. So you don't have to waste all of the time I did trying to figure it out, I thought I would create this step-by-step guide on how to start a DIY blog. Although I reference DIY blogs, these steps apply to any blog.

Thesis Theme For Wordpress   I use the Thesis Theme for Wordpress, and I couldn't be happier. I definitely recommend using a theme when you are starting out because hiring a designer to custom build your site is expensive. The Thesis Theme is great for improving your rankings in search engines too. 

Genesis Framework Logo

Genesis Framework   Many top bloggers and many of the bloggers I know run their sites on the Genesis Framework. If you get the Genesis Framework, you will also need to purchase a child theme. You need a child theme so any changes you make or your designer makes to the theme won't be affected when Wordpress or theme updates are made. A couple of my favorite child themes are Swank + Foodie. I really, really heart these.

How To Monetize Your Food Blog   This is an amazing resource for maximizing your revenue through advertising. I use Kristen's strategies here on my blog, such as an ad waterfall, and I tripled my ad revenue in the first month ... seriously.


Email Marketing

AWeber   This is the newsletter sign up service I use for my "Blogging Tips" newsletter (sign up in the right sidebar of the main page). I love AWeber because you can create follow up emails and set them to go out at different intervals. It's super important to stay in touch with your most loyal followers, and AWeber makes it really easy to do this. My favorite feature is AWeber shows you exactly where each sign up comes from on your site.

Mailchimp   Mailchimp does not have a "follow up" tool like AWeber. This is unfortunate because staying in touch with your subscribers is really important. However, I use Mailchimp for my weekly blog newsletter. I send these out manually every week to let readers know the latest blog content. Mailchimp has some great tools for creating an RSS email too. I know that might sound like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. Check out this post more information on the difference between newsletter emails and RSS emails.


Blog Photography

Canon 50mm f/1.4 Lens   This is the only lens I own (so far anyways ... I plan to add more to my collection soon), and I love it. I use it for everything. It is a fixed lens which means you won't be able to zoom in and out, but with that you get great quality. You get those photos that focus on a close object and make the background blurry. This lens isn't cheap. So, if you are looking for a less expensive option that is almost as good, you can go with a Canon 500mm f/1.8 lens.

blogger resources

Canon 5D Mark iii  I currently have a Canon Rebel Xsi. It gets the job done and is much less expensive than other cameras. This is an older Canon model. For a newer and comparable camera, you can go with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i. This is a great camera for when you are just getting started. However, if you want to go for the gold right from the gates and not have to spend the money to upgrade when you get good, I would recommend a Canon 5D Mark iii. It not only takes crisp photos, but it takes great HD video. I plan to upgrade to this camera soon. However, always keep in mind that with great lighting and technique you can take beautiful photos with any camera.


Driving Traffic To Your Blog

Anatomy of a Blog Post with Great SEO When I first started my blog I did a lot of research on SEO. I found a lot of the info was text-heavy. I kept finding myself looking for a simple infographic that pointed out exactly where to put keywords in blog post for SEO purposes. So I thought I would create this post for you, so you don't have to go searching like I did!

Craftgawker   Although I love Field of Dreams, the old adage "if you build it they will come" doesn't apply to blogging. To get noticed, you must get your work featured on other websites. Craftgawker is a great site for doing just that. Craftgawker is always neck and neck with being the #1 source (or referrer) driving traffic back to my site. It is a great place to submit your DIY work to be featured.

Pinterest   As mentioned above, Pinterest is always neck and neck with the #1 spot for driving traffic back to my site. I recommend pinning often.


I hope you find this blogger resources page helpful. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me! Thank you so much for being here!