Modern Mother's Day Brunch
As I am writing to you all, I can hear the sound of the ocean waves! OMG I feel so lucky to be on a pseudo vaca on the beach! Another reason I feel lucky right now is because I have an amazing mother to spend Mother's Day with. I usually don't get too personal on the blog, but since mother's day is coming up, I have to share a story about my wonderful mother. My mother is a survivor. I owe my life to my mother ... in more ways than one. My mom had cervical cancer when she was pregnant with me. All of the doctors told her to abort me, or they said my mother would never make it. She chose not to abort me, and the doctors gave her a choice before she went into surgery ... it's either the baby's life or your life. She chose my life. Luckily we both survived! Several years ago, my mom also survived a small plane crash in which she was the only survivor. So, now you know why I feel so lucky to be able to spend Mother's Day with my mother. This Modern Mother's Day Brunch was inspired by my mother. She is very modern, fashionable, and spirited. I wanted the look to mimic that!
I am so inspired by all of the pink and orange color palettes you see right now! I think they make an amazing duo! I am also inspired by all of the different kinds of "bars" aka "make-your-own stations" you can set up for a party (e.g. cookie, martini, cupcake, etc). They are such a fun way to make the guests feel like they are a part of the meal! You will find a couple of different kinds of "bars" in these photos. In the meantime, here's the skinny on the entire look:
Table Setting:
The tablecloth, plates, napkins, and small glasses (aka votives) are from Target. The wine goblets are from the dollar store ... holla!! I set everything symmetrical with clean lines to uphold the modern motif. The gift bags and gift boxes are also from Target. P.S. You will find gift tags in the Mother's Day Party Printable Collection for sale in the shop.
Cinnamon Sugar Donut Muffins OMG you are going to die when you make these ... they are heaven in your mouth!
Donut Pops Because it's morning of course, and everyone deserves a little splurging on Mother's Day ... even if you're not a mother! Not sure why this holds true ... it pretty much doesn't. I just made it up, but it sounds good doesn't it?! If you don't feel like making these, you can just buy your donut hole package of choice at your local grocer, stick a stick in them, tie a cute ribbon around the sticks, and voila ... you've got yourself some donut pops!
Yogurt Bar To offset the unhealthiness of the first two menu items. Pick your toppings. Here we did granola, raspberries, and strawberries ... yum!
Crepe Bar! Our toppings of choice for this: strawberries, raspberries, and whipped cream of course!
Mimosa Bar Here is the fun part! Use whatever juices and "sprinkles" you want. Here we did raspberry juice, orange juice, and strawberry lemonade. For toppings ... strawberries, raspberries, mint, and orange zest.
* Note on the "Bars:" I like to set the "bars" up on a long platter, and it is best when toppers are lined up neatly and labeled.
Fabric is from JoAnn's ... Isn't it cute!?! The bunting is part of our Mother's Day Party Printable Collection.
The entire printable collection is available to you in the shop!

Red, White, + Blue Berry Parfaits {Free Printables}