Yoga Party
I feel like I work out more in the summer. I think the sun being out all of the time gives me the energy and mood to get out and about. One of my favorite ways to work out is yoga. The fact that I get together with my friends for some tapas and occasionally a glass of wine afterwards might have a lil' something to do with my affinity for yoga! But who's watching ... right?! We were inspired by our yoga get togethers in this post. We wanted to show you how to "party like a yogi" ... or in other words ... "party healthily." Parties don't have to be full of fatty foods and sugary drinks. This post is proof. Besides, who wants to eat burgers and brats after a good workout anyway?! Well, me sometimes! But usually one good decision for me leads to another! So here is everything you need to get your yogi party started! You don't have to do any work. We just did it all for you!
Kale Walnut Pesto
Bruschetta - Fig, Strawberry, + Edamame
Pineapple Peach Smoothie
Avocado Pudding (We suggest never telling your guests about the avocado. They will never know!)
The Prana (Cocktail)
Pineapple Quinoa Salad
We wanted this party to look hip + modern because isn't that what all of us yogis are ... hip + modern?!! I like to think so anyway! To accomplish this look we used a dark wood table accompanied by white porcelain serving platters + kraft card stock details! Keep reading for the free download to all of these lil' goodies!
To set the yogi mood, instead of name cards, we set out place cards with inspiring words at each seat. We asked guests to sit at the place setting that "spoke" to them most! It was so fun to see where people sat!
Another really fun thing we asked our guests to do was to write their favorite quotes on our kraft paper table runner! There were some really good ones!
Who needs to change and get all dolled up after yoga?! Your friends already saw you in your gear anyway! Just show up in this cute new pink top from Lululemon! It is called the "Hot But Not" Tank. This thing is amazing! It keeps you so cool, and it looks so stinkin' cute! For the guys, we suggest Spiritual Ganster! Amazing stuff that you are sure to be able to groove in!
I have a picture gallery in my house. To display our menu, we covered my photos with some kraft paper and wrote each of the menu items on each of the photos! Our guests were awed by our creativity! We were too! It was one of those "last-minute genious moments!"
These yoga cards that we framed are done by my sister! Aren't they amazing!? Yes, this is her! I know right!?! I wish I had her yogi skills! You can check them out here!
So here at SaucyPants we LOVE party printables. For those of you who don't know what Party Printables are, here is the 30 second run down! Party Printables are downloadable files that you print on matte photo paper or matte card stock and cut out to use to decorate your party! They include things like food tent cards, cupcake toppers, labels, tags, etc!
You can't send your guests home empty handed. It's poor form. For our guests, we packaged up some of our Kale Walnut Pesto in these super cute jars I got at Fry's. We taped our "Namaste Jar Toppers" on the top for the finishing touch! And our guests HEARTED them BIG TIME!
Thank you all so much for letting us share our "Party Like a Yogi" How-To! We had so much fun!

DIY Headband